Providing Greater Local Funding to California Public Schools: The Local Control of Local Classrooms Funding Act
California ranks near the bottom of all states in spending per student when accounting for regional cost differences. Over the past two years, Sacramento has cut billions in school funding resulting in more crowded classrooms , teacher layoffs and fewer programs for students. More cuts are likely this year , despite assurances by the Governor that his budget protects public education. Local communities, however, can enact ballot measures that provide stable, reliable funds for their schools. These measures, called parcel taxes, provide funds which cannot be taken away by Sacramento. Yet, passing such measures is often difficult and has proven impossible in some communities. The reason why is that the California Constitution requires 2/3 support for school parcel taxes. A minority of voters - just 33% plus 1 voter - can defeat the will of a community to support its public schools. A new initiative - called the Local Control of Local Classrooms Funding Act - would change this ...