San Leandro City Council To Discuss Charter Amendment To Repeal Term Limits

The Mayor and City Council will be discussing whether to place an amendment to our City Charter on the November 8, 2016, ballot revising and/or repealing the charter's term limit provisions.
Currently, the Mayor and City Council Council members are limited to serving 2 consecutive, four year terms. 
This is not a life time prohibition. You can serve 8 years, leave the city council, and then run again in the future for office (Tony Santos did this). It's also specific to the position, e.g. you can serve 2 terms as a Council member then serve as Mayor for 2 terms (so 16 years total on the City Council). 
On May 16, 2016, Vice Mayor Ursula Reed proposed that the City Council hear this matter. (You can watch the discussion at - go to item 14.) 
Vice Mayor Reed is in her 8th year (her final year of her 2nd four year term) on the City Council.
The majority of the City Council agreed to hear the matter on Monday, June 6, 2016 - without it first going to the Rules Committee - which would be the normal course of events for consideration of an amendment to the City Charter. 
Council member Jim Prola said he wished to hear the matter only if the charter amendment would not apply to current city council members. No one voiced support at the time for Council member Prola's position. Again, the matter is coming back to the City Council on the Monday June 6th agenda.
If you wish to voice your opinion on the matter, please attend the June 6th City Council meeting or send an email message to the City Council at


On June 8, 2016, the City Council decided not to pursue any amendment to the term limits for the Mayor and City Council members.


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