Looking Back: Measure B Transformed San Leandro Public Schools

Our tax dollars can make a real difference in the lives of our children and prosperity of a community. Twelve years ago San Leandro High School was grossly overcrowded leading to discipline problems and undermining academic performance, no theater in the school district existed for student performances, and many restrooms at schools were in such poor condition that the students would not use them.
That all changed in August 2006 when the School Board voted to place Measure B on the ballot. The largest school construction bond in San Leandro’s history, Measure B received overwhelming support and led to the physical transformation of San Leandro public school (combined with the passage of two subsequent bond measures and one earlier measure).
With better public schools, San Leandro has become a more desirable city to live, helping attract and retain families who previously would have never moved to San Leandro or moved away when the children were in middle school.
Here is a link to an article from the then Daily Review on the action by the school board. I served on the school board at the time and strongly advocated for the bond measure. I also served on the campaign steering committee for Measure B and worked extensively on its passage.
The photo above shows one of the student productions at the theater built through Measure B funds.


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