San Leandro Schools Measure N Update
I was proud to serve as chairperson of the Yes on Measure N campaign. Here is an update on the election results: On Saturday, March 7th, the Alameda County Registrar of Voters released a large amount of additional votes yesterday. The YES vote for Measure N now stands at 61% (55% is required for passage). At the end of election night the support for Measure N was at 59%. The additional votes were most likely mail ballots dropped off at the polling locations on election day and/or mail ballots received by the Registrar's office right before and after election day. Late mail ballot voters are supporting Measure N at level above 60%. How many more ballots remain to be counted? I don't know as the Secretary of State has not updated its document showing the number of unprocessed ballots statewide by county. Based upon what Alameda County reported on Friday (250,000 unprocessed ballots) and new ballots released yesterday (96,000 ballots), there may be 154,000 ballo...