City Staff Recommend Denial of Proposed Bancroft Apartment Complex

As many of you know, a developer is seeking to change the zoning of office buildings on Bancroft between Estudillo and Joaquin to Downtown Area 3 ("DA 3") property in order for him to construct a nearly 50-foot apartment complex consisting of 72 two-bedroom units and one three bedroom unit. The project is expected to generate 500 daily car trips. The parking lot for complex will have 146 parking spaces, including 13-foot car stackers positioned right next to neighboring homes. Also of note, there will be no access to the parking lot on Bancroft Avenue. The parking will be gated and accessible only from Estudillo and Joaquin Avenues. Because of higher traffic volumes along Estudillo Avenue, however, the Estudillo driveway is proposed to be limited to egress only. That means car traffic on Joaquin Avenue will increase significantly as residents and visitors driving to the apartment complex parking lot must enter from Joaquin Avenue. City staff has issued a report recommending that the Planning Commission deny the application "on the grounds that the proposed mass, scale and density of the project is incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood and that the rezoning to DA 3 is incompatible with the General Plan, Downtown Transit Oriented Development Strategy, and Zoning Code." Here is a link to the report: The developer's request will be heard by the San Leandro Planning Commission on Thursday, November 16th, 7 p.m., at San Leandro City Hall. The public is welcome to attend the hearing and offer its input on the proposal. If you can not attend the Thursday, November 16th Planning Commission meeting, you can voice your views on the project by emailing City staff Elmer Penaranda on or before Wednesday, November 15th at Mr. Penaranda will forward your message to the Planning Commissioners. You may also wish to copy the Mayor and City Council on your message by including the email address on your message.


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